Sunday 23 January 2011

So I fell in love with an uncommonly gentle man

Waves Under Water – Serpents and the tree

I don't like Sundays. They usually turn out useless, as I wake up very late, but know I'd better go to bed relatively early. What could I try to do if I could comfortably be awake for only ten hours? No wait, I could try not to screw up my sleeping pattern during weekends, but that's no fuuuuuun... I guess it's somewhat alright to be inefficient every now and then. A friend and I tend to talk about Sunday angst, which basically means that you cannot enjoy your day off since you know the following day will be Monday. At worst, Sunday angst begins on Saturday, when you think that Monday is the day after tomorrow... I'm not saying that working is like hell, I just don't like early mornings – that's it.

Anyway. After watching Beetlejuice I had to entertain myself with another Tim Burton movie too. About the time for Edward Scissorhands too – I really had not seen it earlier, although I had wanted to. However, I'm lazy to do anything about the movies I'd like to see... It really took me this long, I should have watched it about twenty years ago. Okay well, at least ten years ago, maybe it wouldn't have been too good for me to watch it at the beginning of the 90's... However, I had seen lots of pictures of Edward, and I'd always been fascinated by his attire, and many sharp objects – such as scissors, knives and swords – are beautiful in their own right.

I've learnt that my opinions often differ from the masses, and thus, I was not certain at all that I would like Edward Scissorhands, although I know what kind of people usually like it. I was rather surprised to find out it really struck a chord with me. Johnny Depp has never stirred up strong emotions in me. I've seen him in only a few movies, thought he's okayish, rather flexible and such... But well, he did awesome job as Edward, making him so disarming.

I really liked the mansion in the movie, it was visually so stunning. All in all, a wonderful movie.

On Friday I decided to watch Coraline. I think I had even considered going to watch it in a movie theater, but I guess I forgot... The main reason for me wanting to watch it would be because it is an animation, another reason could be the director Henry Selick – who also directed The Nightmare Before Christmas. I think there were some common aspects between the visuals in those two movies – I wonder if the art departments comprise same talents...

However, Coraline was a little disappointment. It was entertaining, nice, relatively interesting... But not fantastic. For some reason, I couldn't really root for any of the characters. I guess it was worth watching once, but maybe not twice...

I need to find more interesting movies with fantasy or macabre elements that are not full of gore horror... But I guess now I'll just go curl my hair. So long!


  1. Minäkin kärsin satunnaisesta sunnuntaimasennuksesta, joskus se alkaa jo jopa perjantaina...

    Oletko katsellut Guillermo Del Toron leffoja, esim. El Espinazo Del Diablo tai El Laberinto Del Fauno? Myöskin Burtonin muuta varhaistuotantoa suosittelen lämpimästi, jos Beetlejuice ja Edward nappasi :)
    Batman ja Vincent nähty?

    Looking for to hear more...

  2. Satuilin, Eipä ole tullut noita Del Toron leffoja nähtyä, en ole ihan varma onko ne leffoina ihan minua varten. En ole nyt ihan varma mahtaako ne olla Suomessa K18-kamaa, mutta yleensä päättelen sellaisten olevan silmilleni sopimattomia. Animaatioina semmoiset voisi sopiakin. :D Sen sijaan noihin varhaisiin, ja itse asiassa vähän vähemmän varhaisiin, Burtonin leffoihin pitäisi kyllä tutustua. Juuri mitään kun ei ole tullut nähtyä – leffasivistykseni on oikeasti hävyttömän huono.


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