Sunday, 5 August 2012

Summer in Berlin, no, it's Potsdam PART III

♫ Orden Ogan – And if you do right

Okay, now I'm back to posting about my trip, yet this post will be entirely about Potsdam, not Berlin. It's a neighboring city to Berlin though, the capital of the federal state of Brandenburg. It's very easy to get there from Berlin – at least one of the S Bahn lines which go through the city in east-west direction goes straight to Potsdam too, but you need a ticket to the C fare zone in order to get as far as to Potsdam. This city is located (south)west of Berlin and the train ride is probably half an hour long, depending on where you hop in! As we were staying in West Berlin, it was probably twenty minutes from the nearest train station.

I could say that we "only" visited Park Sanssouci, though... Since the park is quite big, it did take us half a day. (In the afternoon we returned to Berlin and went on to other tourist attractions like madmen, almost until midnight. Had a long day. My feet were begging for mercy.) We were merely strolling around in the park, photographing the area and its fine buildings, but we didn't visit any. If you are into history, you might want to see some of the palaces from the inside as well, at least most of them were museums of some kind. We thought we wanted to save our precious time for other things, so we skipped those tours.

This yellow building is Sanssouci Palace, a summer palace of Frederick the Great. The fountain photo was taken from the direction of the palace. It was a beautiful day in a beautiful park, yet the weather was not the best for photographing! And I got to taste the cruelty of the sun as I burnt my shoulders and thus, got tan lines. DX Eventually it got cloudy and began to rain too.

Some details near the palace: some flowers (which I can barely recognize) and The Grey Heron. I love to take photos of birds!

The Chinese House

The New Palace


Park Sanssouci is not the only place to visit in Potsdam, but we skipped the others nevertheless. Potsdam also has a Brandenburger Gate of its own, and there are also other parks and palaces. It's a very beautiful city! I've often read how Berlin is quite ugly in a way (I disagree though) but Potsdam is at least more consistent. There is also a film museum in the city, and it's located quite near the railway station (unlike Park Sanssouci). Supposedly, shopping opportunities in the city are nice as well, but we were there on Sunday, when most stores are closed.

Here we had Potsdam in brief, in the next travel post we'll get back to Berlin again! So long!


  1. Wow, that bird photo is absolutely gorgeous! In fact, all of these photos are! Are you a pro photographer?

    1. Thank you very much! I'm not pro, and I don't even have actual pro equipment. I've probably grown up with cameras as my father is also into photography big time, but not pro either. In fact the majority of my German photos were just disappointments to me in the end; for example slightly out of focus or something. Photography conditions were often quite difficult there and the tiny camera screen makes photos seem better than they are in reality.

  2. Upeita kuvia, arkkitehtuuri on karkkia! Ihan kuin tuo haikara poseeraisi...:D Ja jotkut kuvat on tarpeeksi symmetrisiä, että jos Potsdamista olisin kirjaa tekemässä niin päätyisivät heti kanteen.
    Niin, kapteeni Purppura tässä ilmoittelee muutostaan osoitteeseen En enää tule vanhaa blogia päivittelemään, uutta saa lukea jos tahtoo. :)

    1. Paljon kiitoksia! :) Harmaahaikara kieltämättä dallaili siellä kuin mikäkin malli ikään, ei lopulta ollut niin kiire vaihtaa putki pidempään ja olla valmiina rantapenkereellä.
      Ja liityn toki uusiin lukijoihin, tosin olipa Blogger tehnyt sen perkeleen vaikeaksi. :0


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