Wednesday 17 August 2011

Kraken came home!

♫ Excalion – The Wingman

I've been so very exhausted these past few days, having slept too little for no real reason. I haven't been busy or stressed, but I just "stay up late every night and realize how bad an idea it was every morning".

However, what cheered me up after work was (yet another) parcel waiting for me! I had gone Etsy-shopping, having found out how good their search engine actually is... Etsy is a dangerous site.

The main reason for me to go shopping was this Kraken necklace, which is simply adorable. I've noticed I certainly have a thing for octopi and well... piratey things. *whistle*

But I didn't want to buy only one piece, and the same seller had this dead lolita cameo, so well... Since I hadn't yet joined the crew of miss skeletons, it was probably high time. I guess every other goth has accessories with the same cameo, but well... What-bloody-ever.

The merchant's tag. Go find the shop!

Since I like my Photoshop and my new Kraken, I hereby present a picture of meself showing off the little creature. And now, I suppose I should try to go to bed as soon as possible. With some luck I might have a night shift coming on Friday, just as strange as it would be in this field... So long!


  1. Mistä siis olet löytänyt tuon dead lolita cameo (onko se edes noin?)kaulakorun?? Vastaani on tullut monia tuollaisia koruja, mutta mikään ei ole ollut noin hieno.

  2. FoolCat, täältä shoppasin molemmat korut:
    Etsystähän nyt löytää tuota cameota käytettynä todella monen tekijän koruissa, ja varmaan jollain "dead lolita" tai "miss skeleton" hauillakin löytyisi helposti. Itse selailin tovin ennen kuin löysin nimenomaan tuon tekijän, ja koin että tuolla oli näteimpiä koruja. Hienoissa kehyksissä ainakin, hinta-laatusuhde vaikuttaa oikein hyvältä ja korut tulivat suhteellisen nopeasti.


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